Printing levels.


The user can control the amount of data put into the information box on the screen and into the ray output data file.  The choices are made in the print level sheets in the databuilder:

Sheet 1, printing levels for segment information.

Sheet 2, printing levels for rays.

Sheet 3, headers and separation by commas.

Sheet 4, allowed reading error and maximum aspect ratio.

For the segment and ray information,  the main choices are 'nearlyzero/partial/most/all'.


'nearly zero': Only the most essential information is given, such as the final coordinates and directions of the rays.


'partial' information: This is the usual option.


'most': An option that is useful at the beginning of a study.


'all': Useful if you are a new user or if you are trying to identify an apparent error. This option gives all the notes and comments, and all the warnings that the program gives when it senses possible trouble. When 'all' is chosen for the segment information the segment charges are given, individually and cumulatively. This information can be used to deduce capacitances.


The precise details of the amount of information printed for each of these options can only be found by trying them -there are too many different types of output data to be able to list them all.


Sheet 3 offers the option to use commas as separators, while sheet 4 explains about reading errors and allowed aspect ratios of triangles and segments.