Program for evaluating the Legendre function (test2d19.dat).


This can be copied from the end of file test2d19.dat, which is supplied with the CPO2D package.


C Program for evaluating the Legendre function Aug 1998.

C (written quickly, so not sophisticated)

OPEN (UNIT=1,FILE='tempin.dat',STATUS='OLD')

C =input data


C =results file

pi = 4.*ATAN(1.)

READ (1,*) an , x

C =order, argument (ie cos(phi) )

READ (1,*) m

C =number of summation terms

phi = ACOS(x)

ans = SIN((an + 1.)*phi)

C =1st term in summation

coeff = (an + 1.)/(2.*an + 3.)

C =coefficient of 2nd term

ai = an + 3.

C -for argument of sin of 2nd term

DO i = 2 , m

ans = ans + coeff*SIN(ai*phi)

C numbers for next term:

f3 = real(2*i - 1)

f5 = f3 + 2.

f2 = real(i)

coeff = coeff*f3*(an + f2)/(f2*(2.*an + f5))

ai = ai + 2.


ans = ans*(2.**(an + 2.))/pi


C Evaluate the factorial factors:

C (do each one separately, so that they can be checked)

eps = 1.E-12

fln_fac = (an + 0.5)*log(an + 1.0) - (an + 1.) + alog(sqrt(2.*pi))

C -will be log of factorial(an) = gamma(an+1)

term_fln = 1.E10

real_m = 0.

C =summation index m

100 real_m = real_m + 1.

IF (term_fln.LT.eps) GOTO 300

C -ie summation over m finished

fm = 0.5*real_m/((real_m + 1.)*(real_m + 2.))

real_k = 0.

C =summation index k

sum_over_k = 0.

200 real_k = real_k + 1.

term_k = (an + 1.0 + real_k)**(-(real_m + 1.))

sum_over_k = sum_over_k + term_k

term_fln = fm*sum_over_k

IF (fm*term_k.LT.eps) THEN

C -ie summation over k finished

fln_fac = fln_fac + term_fln

GOTO 100


GOTO 200


300 f_fac = exp(fln_fac)

C And then same procedure for the double factorial:

fln_fac2 = (an + 1.0)*log(an + 1.5) - (an + 1.5) +

& alog(sqrt(2.*pi))

C -will be log of double factorial (2*an+1)

C = gamma(an+1.5)*2**(an+1)/sqrt(pi)

term_fln = 1.E10

real_m = 0.

110 real_m = real_m + 1.

IF (term_fln.LT.eps) GOTO 310

fm = 0.5*real_m/((real_m + 1.)*(real_m + 2.))

real_k = 0.

sum_over_k = 0.

210 real_k = real_k + 1.

term_k = (an + 1.5 + real_k)**(-(real_m + 1.))

sum_over_k = sum_over_k + term_k

term_fln = fm*sum_over_k

IF (fm*term_k.LT.eps) THEN

fln_fac2 = fln_fac2 + term_fln

GOTO 110


GOTO 210


310 f_fac2 = exp(fln_fac2)

f_fac2 = f_fac2*2.**(an+1)/sqrt(pi)

ans = ans*f_fac/f_fac2

WRITE (2,'(''no of terms n cos(phi) result''/

&I8,2X,1P3E14.6)') m , an , x , ans