Test2d22, 22nd 'benchmark test' data file for CPO2D

Non-meridional motion, cylindrical symmetry.


This  illustrates the option for non-meridional motion of rays in an axially symmetric 2D system, using an ideal spherical analyser.


In the usual meridional motion the particles are assumed to move in the rz plane, at a constant value of the angle phi about the z axis and with zero angular momentum about the axis. On the other hand in non-meridional motion phi varies with time and the angular momentum is non-zero (but constant).  Then the rays effectively move 'sideways' with non-zero angular momentum about the axis and so cannot pass through the axis.


Non-meridional motion can of course be treated by CPO3D, but there are sometimes advantages in using the present option in CPO2D when the system of electrodes has axial symmetry.


For testing relativistic energies, increase applied voltages by factor 1.E6, and change the kinetic energy to 1.612E6. Also reduce the maximum flight time to 1.4E-8. The energy is such that the value of m*v^2 is a factor 1.E6 higher than that of a 1eV electron. Alternatively, use the voltages and energies given in the footnotes of test2d01.dat.


Note that the option cannot be combined with the options for entering total energy, or using variable mass, time dependence, use saved trajectories or focus iterations.


See also general note on symmetries.