CPO3D 79th example: enhancement factor for a carbon sheet with flat edges.

This is a simple simulation with a small number of segments, intended only to show the capabilities.

See also xmpl3d80.

The sheet has a height and width of 1 micron (ie 0.001mm) and a thickness of 1nm (ie 1E-6mm).  The edges are flat.

To create a field an anode is placed at an arbitrary 9 micron away, with a potential of 0.01V, giving a nominal 'far field' of 1V/mm.

The output file shows how the field varies along 4 lines that radiate from the edges.  These lines are shown schematically on the diagram in the footnotes of the data file.

The dependence of the field on the distance from the edge is not simple, but the field at the edge can be found by plotting the field versus the distance and extrapolating to a zero distance.  Note that it is necessary to extrapolate to a zero distance because the field at the surface itself is indeterminate (it is finite on the outside surface but zero on the inside).  Note also that if the distance is less than the typical dimensions of the segments that make up the surface then the calculation of the field can be inaccurate.  Extrapolation is therefore essential.  In the present example the form of the extrapolation has not yet been studied carefully (since this example is intended only to show the capabilities of CPO3D, not to provide an accurate enhancement factor).  

Please refer to the footnotes of the data file for further information.