Chapter 5, Section 2 of User's Guide for CPO2D and CPO3D


(or proceed to section 5.3)


The databuilder


The data-builder (otherwise known as a pre-processor) is an integral part of the CPO programs. It is accessed by clicking on databuilder on the top bar. It allows the user to construct or edit an input data file, which is the input file for the programs.



The first action when using the data-builder is to 'open' a file. This file can be any input data file that has been previously used, or a copy of any one of the many data files that are supplied with the programs, representing ‘benchmark tests’ or less rigorous ‘examples’ (see chapter 6). When starting a new simulation the user should run several of these files, to find the one that gives the nearest representation to the new simulation. At the same time the user will get a feeling for the speed and accuracy of the programs.


Alternatively, a new simulation can be set by using the 'default' data files default2.dat and default.dat. These contain typical default parameters for the parameters, and so are suitable as templates for a new simulation. For further information, see default2.dat or default3.dat


The test files for CPO2D are called test2dn.dat, where n = 01 to 14, and for CPO3D they are called test3dn.dat, where n = 01 to 12. The example files are called xmpl2dn.dat and xmpl3dn.dat (where the number n is always being increased).


The test and example files are intended as read-in files, and the program does not allow them to be edited or modified, but copies of all of them are supplied with the package. In the titles of the copies the letter 'd' is replaced by 'r', so that for example 'test2d01.dat' becomes 'test2r01.dat'.


Once a suitable file has been chosen and opened the data-builder can be used to change any or all the parameters. The many ‘Help’ buttons in the data-builder lead the user to the appropriate part of the CPO Help system.


The CPO program can be run at any time during the data-building process. The user can therefore inspect the resulting configurations on the screen as each electrode is added or changed. To see single electrodes it is sometimes desirable to remove the others from the screen image, which is easily done either by making their numbers of subdivisions zero or by giving them the colour 'white'.


When the data-building process is complete the data file can be saved with a different name, for future use.


See 2D data builder items or 3D data builder items for the main lists of items.


(proceed to section 5.3)