Shap3d11.dat, 11h 'shape' file for CPO3D

A cylinder with a clipped angled end


Superseded by shap3d39.


The end of the cylinder is cut at an angle of 30 degrees with respect to the axis. The cut end is simulated by 'clipping' the cylinder.


One clipping plane has been specified. It is a 'maximum' plane and its equation is

  1*x + 0*y + 1*z = 0

 ie x + z = 0,

which is a plane that passes through the origin and is at 45 degrees to the x and z axes. All the segments that have x + z > 0 will therefore be removed. The end of the cylinder is therefore cut at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the axis of the cylinder.


The plate can be seen effectively by choosing the '3D display' option at the interactive stage, and then rotating by 20 degrees about the x axis and by 20 degrees about the y axis (and by using 'hidden lines' to improve the picture).