Shap3d24.dat, 24th 'shape' file for CPO3D

A spherical cap with a rectangular hole, and the program for generating it.

Superseeded by shap3d53, with users equations

 (although it might still be useful if the electrode is to be re-oriented)

The program for producing this data file is called prog24.f90.

See also prog24.f90.


To run the program simply type 'prog24' as a command line.


Before doing that, set up the data file that is read by prog24.

This data file is called 'tempin.dat'.

At present it contains:


36. ! =radius of sphere

28.986 ! =z of centre of bounding circle

15. 1.5 ! =x,y of a corner of the rectangular hole

200 ! =approximate total number of subdivisions

1 ! =voltage number

n ! the x=0 plane is a symmetry plane in the main CPO3D program (y/n)

n ! the y=0 plane is a symmetry plane in the main CPO3D program (y/n)

y ! ignore thin crescent at thin end of rectangle (y/n)


A read-only version of this is saved as 'prog24.dat'.


It is assumed here that:

(1) the centre of the sphere is at the origin,

(2) the centre of the rectangular hole is on the z axis.

In general these assuptions are not correct and so the resulting object will

have to be shifted and/or rotated, as explained below.


After setting up tempin.dat and running prog24, a set of electrode data can be

found in 'tempout.dat'.

These data should be copied and then pasted into a primary data file for CPO3D.


The 'transform' option should then be used to shift and/or rotate the object.

Finally the data for the object can be copied and pasted into the primary data

file that deals with the complete system.


(When the final object is viewed in CPO3D some thin gaps might be seen between

the inner edge of the main part of the sphere and the outer triangles that

fill the parts that border the rectangular hole. These gaps exist because

the points that define the inner edge do not coincide with the points that

define the corners of the outer triangles. But both sets of points lie on the

same circle. The gaps are therefore unimportant.)