Chapter 1, section 1 of User's Guide for CPO2D and CPO3D


(or proceed to section 2)


1.1 Introduction


The 'full' versions of the CPO programs are:

 CPO2D For 2-Dimensional simulations

 CPO2DS For 2-Dimensional simulations, including Space-charge and Cathodes

 CPO3D For 3-Dimensional simulations

 CPO3DS For 3-Dimensional simulations, including Space-charge and Cathodes


Free versions of CPO2D and CPO3D are also available, but are limited to a maximum of 1500 and 3000 segments for 2D and 3D respectively, and have some other limitations.


The ‘evaluation’ versions of CPO2D and CPO3D are limited to a maximum of 8000 and 12000 segments respectively but otherwise have all the options of the full versions.


Copies of the 'demo' version can be obtained from the web site and copies of the ‘evaluation’ version from CPO Ltd.


From here on all references to CPO2D and CPO3D will automatically refer also to CPO2DS

and CPO3DS respectively.


This User's Guide is supplied in Word form in file guide.doc.


Those users who prefer to find out about a program by running it should read chapter 3 before jumping to chapter 4 - 'Getting started'. Chapter 3 is concerned with how to get the best accuracy from the program. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER THAT ALL USERS SHOULD READ AT LEAST ONCE.



See also text-books on electron optics.


(proceed to section 1.2)