The 'Example' data files represent problems that are of general interest but that do not have known analytical solutions. The 'comments' at the ends of the files contain detailed information (including key formulas) on a wide variety of problems in charged particle optics. . See the links below for more information.

xmpl2d01  A double cylinder lens
xmpl2d02  A double aperture lens
xmpl2d03  A double rectangular tube lens
xmpl2d04  A double rectangular tube lens
xmpl2d05  A 'beam' of rays focused by a double-cylinder lens.
xmpl2d06  An example of adaptive segmentation, for a double-cylinder lens.
xmpl2d07  Automatic iteration to focus a beam by a three-cylinder lens.
xmpl2d08  Lens coefficients of double-cylinder lens.
xmpl2d09  Space-charge limited planar diode, cylindrical symmetry.
xmpl2d10  Space-charge limited diode in planar symmetry (that is, flat, parallel cathode and anode, infinite in one direction).

xmpl2d11 Spacecharge repulsion of an isolated beam that initially converges to a point.
xmpl2d12 Spacecharge repulsion of a mixed beam of electrons and carbon ions.
xmpl2d13 A relativistic doublecylinder lens.
xmpl2d14 A doublecylinder lens with a linear voltage bridge across the gap.
xmpl2d15 Automatic variation of the grid voltage of a simple thermionic electron gun.
xmpl2d16 Multiple focusing of a Hemispherical Deflection Analyzer.
xmpl2d17 A mirror that has negative spherical and chromatic aberrations.
xmpl2d18 Practical cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA).
xmpl2d19 Field penetration through a cylindrical mesh of round wires.
xmpl2d20 Field penetration through a flat mesh of round wires.
xmpl2d21 Parallel wire deflector, planar symmetry.
xmpl2d22 Parallel edge deflector, planar symmetry.
xmpl2d23 Conventional plate deflector, planar symmetry.
xmpl2d24 Conventional flared plate deflector, planar symmetry.
xmpl2d25: Creation of secondary rays, Maxwell and Ura energy distributions.
xmpl2d26: Creation of secondary rays, specular reflection.
xmpl2d27 Field emission electron gun.
xmpl2d28 Carbon nano-tube, for field emission source.
xmpl2d29 Enhancement factor for a cone.
xmpl2d30: Enhancement factor for a ‘hemisphere on post’.
xmpl2d31: Conical lens with apertures transverse to axis of lens.
xmpl2d32: Conical lens with apertures transverse to axis of cones.
xmpl2d33 PCMA (Parallel CMA) analyzer, axis-to-cylinder mode.
xmpl2d34 PCMA (Parallel CMA) analyzer, axis-to-axis mode.
xmpl2d35 PCMA (Parallel CMA) analyzer, axis-to-disc mode.
xmpl2d36 Triple cylinder einzel lens.
xmpl2d37: Scattering option, production of secondary electrons.
xmpl2d38: Scattering option, absorption and scattering by background gas.
xmpl2d39 Scattering option, scattering at a grid.
xmpl2d40 Scattering option, simulation of a thin lens.
xmpl2d41 Photocathode.
xmpl2d42 Defining relationships between voltages.
xmpl2d43: X-ray tube with thermal energies.
xmpl2d44: Converting an electric field to a magnetic field.
xmpl2d45: Rectangular waveform for oscillating voltages.
xmpl2d46: Space-charge expansion of an electron beam.
xmpl2d47: Accelerator tube.
xmpl2d48: Sputter ion source.
xmpl2d49: Outputting potential and field data for later re-use.

xmpl2d50: Example of using imported potentials and fields.

xmpl3d01 A practical hemispherical deflection analyzer.
xmpl3d02 A practical cylindrical deflection analyzer, 127 degrees.
xmpl3d03 Orbit of a proton outside a charged sphere.
xmpl3d04 A demonstration of adaptive segmentation.
xmpl3d05 Quadrupole filter with oscillating field.
xmpl3d06 Automatic iteration to optimise the focus of a 4cylinder lens.
xmpl3d07 Spacecharge repulsion of an isolated beam that initially converges to a point.
xmpl3d08 Spacecharge repulsion in a mixed beam of electrons and carbon ions.
xmpl3d09 Spacecharge limitation of current in a strong magnetic field.
xmpl3d10 Spacecharge limited planar diode.
xmpl3d11 Spacecharge limited planar diode, with thermal energies.
xmpl3d12 Automatic optimisation of an electron gun with a hairpin cathode.
xmpl3d13 Cathode ray tube.
xmpl3d14 Miniature lens for microelectronic switching.
xmpl3d15 Hairpin cathode with potential drop and current.
xmpl3d16 Extended Schottky emission, spherical cathode.
xmpl3d17 Magnetic angle changing technique
xmpl3d18 Multiple focusing of hemispherical deflection analyzer.
xmpl3d19 Splitlens deflector.
xmpl3d20 Magnetic bottle.
xmpl3d21 Spacecharged limited cylindrical diode with thermal energies.
xmpl3d22 Practical cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA).
xmpl3d23 Penetration of field and potential through a mesh
xmpl3d24 CRT electron gun, cylindrical symmetry.
xmpl3d25 CRT electron gun, rectangular grid.
xmpl3d26 Aberrations due to a localised potential defect on an aperture.
xmpl3d27 Simplest unbalanced deflector.
xmpl3d28 Pierce gun, potassium 39 ions, with thermal energies.
xmpl3d29 Penetration of field and potential through a mesh of flat strips.
xmpl3d30 Magnetic deflector.
xmpl3d31 Penetration of potential through a circular hole in a flat sheet.
xmpl3d32 Double-cylinder lens, parameters and coefficients.
xmpl3d33 2-fold deflector, flared plates.
xmpl3d34 2-fold deflector, split-cylinder plates.
xmpl3d35 2-fold deflector, curved edge-on plates.
xmpl3d36 4-fold deflector, flat plates.
xmpl3d37 4-fold deflector, flared plates.
xmpl3d38 4-fold deflector, angled plates.
xmpl3d39 4-fold deflector, split-cylinder plates.
xmpl3d40 4-fold deflector, staggered split-cylinder plates.
xmpl3d41 4-fold deflector, split-disc edge-on plates.
xmpl3d42 4-fold deflector, staggered curved edge-on plates.
xmpl3d43 8-fold deflector, split-cylinder plates.
xmpl3d44 8-fold deflector, split-disc plates.
xmpl3d45 Photocathode, with photoelectrons of fixed energy and lambertian directions.
xmpl3d46: Creation of secondary rays, Maxwell and Poisson distributions.
xmpl3d47 Simple magnetic lens.
xmpl3d48 Photomultiplier.

xmpl3d49 Reflection at an electrode.
xmpl3d50 Illustration of the scattering option, scattering at a grid.
xmpl3d51 Illustration of the scattering option, simulation of a thin lens.
xmpl3d52 Enhancement factor for a nano-cone.
xmpl3d53 Enhancement factor for a cone in an array of nano-cones.
xmpl3d54 An example of a field emission flat screen display system.
xmpl3d55 Use of a rectangular beam, for space-charge spreading.
xmpl3d56 Defining relationships between voltages.
xmpl3d57: Archards method of correcting chromatic aberration.
xmpl3d58: Scattering option, production of secondary electrons.
xmpl3d59: Scattering option, absorption and scattering by background gas.
xmpl3d60: Stochastic scattering option, Boersch energy spreading.
xmpl3d61: Option for User-supplied near-axis electric field.
xmpl3d62: Enhancement factor for a nanotube, 'hemisphere on post'.
xmpl3d63: Enhancement factor for 2 nearby nanotubes.
xmpl3d64: Enhancement factor for a square array of nanotubes.
xmpl3d65: Enhancement factor for a 'spoilt' array of nanotubes.
xmpl3d66: Enhancement factor for a random array of nanotubes.
xmpl3d67: Enhancement factor for a linear array of nanotubes.
xmpl3d68: Spatial stochastic scattering.
xmpl3d69: Rectangular waveform for oscillating voltages.
xmpl3d70: Stark barrel.
xmpl3d71: Simple quadrupole ion trap.
xmpl3d72: Boersch effect for liquid metal ion source.
xmpl3d73: Electron impact ion source.
xmpl3d74: Space-charge spreading in an electron beam.
xmpl3d75: Using CPO to solve for a magnetic field.
xmpl3d76: Simple achromatic quadrupole lens.
xmpl3d77: Accelerator tube.
xmpl3d78: Sputter ion source.
xmpl3d79: Enhancement factor for a carbon sheet with flat edges.
xmpl3d80: Enhancement factor for a carbon sheet with rounded edges.
xmpl3d81: Multichannel electron multiplier.
xmpl3d82: Multichannel electron multiplier, tilted channels.
xmpl3d83: Outputing potential and field data for later re-use.
xmpl3d84: Example of using imported potentials and fields.
xmpl3d85: 7 charged toner particles.
xmpl3d86: Space charge repulsion in a pulsed beam.
xmpl3d87: Dielectric simulation of a magnetic yoke.
xmpl3d88: Outputting potential and field information at user-defined points.
xmpl3d89: Pulsed photocathode.
xmpl3d90: FE semiconductor cathode with dielectrics.
xmpl3d91: Option for ‘nearly helical’ motion in a strong magntic field.
xmpl3d92: Second example of ‘nearly helical’ option, electrostatic bottle.
xmpl3d93: Hexapole aberration corrector.
xmpl3d94 Secondary rays at a dielectric interface.
xmpl3d95 Quadrupole filter , defined by users equations, replaces xmpl3d05.
